Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mr. Satish Kane receives Vasantrao Deshmukh Award.

Mr. Satish Kane, the editor of Daily Samachar and one of the trustees of Snehalaya was recently awarded  with the Vasantrao Deshmukh Award for path-breaking Journalism, by Shreerampur Municipal Corporation.

Mr. Kane donated the whole award amount of Rs 25,000 plus Rs.10,000 to Snehalaya.  Mr. Yashwant Kurapatti accepted the donation on this occasion.  Mr. Kane has helped spread the word about the work of Snehalaya for the last layer of the society, in several of his articles. During the occasion, he appealed to the journalist fraternity to raise the issues related to the common man - because he said 'they have no voice, otherwise'.

He appreciated and thanked the donors, well-wishers and supporters of Snehalaya in Shrirampur for their contribution.

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