We are very happy to inform you that today Ms. Shraddha Sathe, the inmate of Snehalaya has successfully undergone the major surgery in KEM Hospital, Mumbai. She was suffering from Budd Chirai Syndrome from last two months. She was admitted in KEM on 20th, October 2010 (referred by Dr. Abhijit Pathak after one month treatment in Swasthya Hospital). There was severe pain in her abdomen; hence she could not even sit properly.
The team of doctors including Dr. Kranti Kumar Rathod, Dr. Hemant Deshmukh, Dr. Prithvi and Dr. Ishan was engaged in the surgery for more than two hours between 5.00 pm to 7.30 pm. Now she has been shifted in ICU (Intensive Care Unit) for next 24 hrs. doctors says that she is out of danger now and she will improve within next 24 hrs. Then she can be shifted to general ward.

Shradha’s operation was planned two days back on 27th, October 2010. She was in Operation Theater for whole day with all the necessary preparations, doctors were ready wearing the clothes (Costumes) for operative. But the operation was canceled only because of unavailability of Anesthetists. Snehalaya’s social worker Mr. Kundan Pathare met and complained to the higher authority Dr. Sanjay Oak(the Dean) and Dr. Pravin Balgal (Sr. Administrator) of the hospital and requested to order the concerned Medical Officers for immediate operation. Then the whole system moved and the concerned authority gave priority for Shradha’s operation, otherwise they had given the date 26th, November 2010 for operation and it might be the high risk for her survival. Now she is well and her post operative treatment has been started.
The well wishers and donors have given good response to the appeal of Snehalaya to save Shraddha’s life. Snehalaya is heartily grateful to all the donors and supporters for their kind and timely support.